aishanoor in # blurtmob • 3 years ago • 1 min readআপনি কি জানেন টাইটানিক মুভির সবথেকে ভাগ্যবান লোকটা কে?সে কি জ্যাক? যে কিনা সবথেকে সুন্দরী মেয়ে রোজের প্রেমে পড়েছিল? একদম না! তবে কি রোজ? যে কিনা মৃত্যুর হাত থেকে বাঁচার জন্য জ্যাককে পেয়েছিলো? এবারও না! জ্যাক বা রোজ কেউই না। ভাগ্যবান লোকটি সেই…aishanoor in # life • 3 years ago • 1 min readসম্পর্ক নষ্ট হওয়ার ১০টি কারণPhoto Source ১ ) মিথ্যা বলা । ( মিথ্যা বলা ধীরে ধীরে একটি সম্পর্কের বিচ্ছেদ ঘটায় । ) ২ ) অতীতের ভুল বুঝাবুঝি মনে রাখা ( সম্পর্ক টিকিয়ে রাখতে চাইলে অতীতকে ভুলে যান ) ৩) দোষারােপ করা । ( কোন…aishanoor in # blurtography • 4 years ago • 1 min readইনানী বীচ,কক্সবাজার | Cox'sBazar Photographyনীলে হাড়ায় যাওয়ার জন্য আমার দেখা সবচাইতে সুন্দর স্থান। আপনাকে ছোট খাটো একটা সেন্টমার্টিনের ফিল দিবে এই সমুদ্র সৈকত। ইনানির বিশেষ আকর্ষন হচ্ছে ছোট বড় পাথর আর ঝিনুক। জোয়ার ভাটায় এইখানে দৃশ্য পাল্টায়…aishanoor in # zzan • 4 years ago • 3 min readPhotography | A GirlA newlywed girl comes to visit her father's house after marriage. Her mother is very interested to know how she feels in that house. The girl replied- “I don't like being there. How are the…aishanoor in # zzan • 4 years ago • 2 min readPhotography | WomenHello steemzzan friends, today i am going to shere a story. I hope everybody like this. There are 2 patients in the hospital as well as in bed. Both are on death bed. A patient lived by the…aishanoor in # blurtstory • 4 years ago • 2 min readThere are many of us who come at the last minute and give up. They give up trying when they're just a yard behind, they stop running when it only takes a minute to cross the finish linePhoto Source There are many of us who come at the last minute and give up. They give up trying when they're just a yard behind, they stop running when it only takes a minute to cross the finish…aishanoor in # blurtbd • 4 years ago • 1 min readজন পরিশ্রমই নারীআমি একজন পরিশ্রমি নারী। আমি পরিশ্রম করতে ভালোবাসি কেননা পরিশ্রম সৌভাগ্যের চাবিকাঠি। একজন নারী হিসেবে আমি কারো বোঝা হয়ে থাকতে চাই না। আমি সবসময় নিজের কাজ করতে চাই এবং পরিশ্রম করতে চাই।…aishanoor in # blurtstory • 4 years ago • 1 min readLittle Women- Story Book App ReviewPhoto Source I like this group of books ( virtual entertainment) because they are really helpful and easy to read, you have many size options and it's easy to widen the space between lines in…aishanoor in # blurtindia • 4 years ago • 2 min readIndian Women App: Healofy App ReviewPhoto Source Such a useful app from pregnncy to the child become a boy or girl ,it helps to give exact information as per the stages u go.sometimes if i dont understand what to do i check with…aishanoor in # blurtstory • 4 years ago • 3 min readAngry Girl (Story)If you want to love someone in life, fall in love with an angry girl, fall in love! If you can accept all his anger! Believe me brother "! If you love an angry girl from the heart and…aishanoor in # blurtbd • 4 years ago • 1 min readকঠিন আইন প্রণয়নের মাধ্যমে নারী নির্যাতন বন্ধ করুনPhoto Source নোয়াখালীর কনারী নির্যাতনের ভিডিও আমি দেখিনি। তবে পূর্ণ বিবরণ পড়েছি। নিজেকে এ সমাজের বাসিন্দা ভাবতে ঘৃণা হচ্ছে। ধর্ষণ-ব্যভিচার বন্ধে ইসলামী আইনের বিকল্প নাই। ফাসাদ ফিল আরদ্ব এর সাজা…aishanoor in # blurtwomen • 4 years ago • 1 min readWomen's autobiographyI am a mother, I am a sister, I am a girl. Why do you look at me with dirty eyes? I have only one thing to say to the nation.Women say there is no right to live in peace ??? Learn to respect…aishanoor in # blurtography • 4 years ago • 2 min readI lived for myself. I didn’t have to think about where else I needed to be or what else I needed to do. It wasn’t hard to make me happy. I was happy just at the chirp of a bird or maybe a sincere smile in passingI wasn’t always like this, you know? I once lived without any walls. I used to care about the little things that don’t seem to matter anymore - like admiring the colour of trees against the sky, the…aishanoor in # blurtwomen • 4 years ago • 2 min readWomanLog Period Tracker & Calendar App ReviewI'm using WomanLog for years now and it is helpful when I go for my annual health screening. I check my cycle here first before I make an appointment since I cannot do pap smear or urinalysis during…aishanoor in # blurtstory • 4 years ago • 3 min readDepression is the beginning of life. I could not sleep properly at nightI know a girl. The only daughter of the parents. That's why the two of them couldn't give him much time as a child. Huzur was kept at home as usual to teach Arabic. How old will you be then…aishanoor in # blurtwomen • 4 years ago • 1 min readStop rape and violence against womenAn abominable social disorder called rape has spread in the form of an epidemic. After being raped, socially humiliated and deprived, many women are choosing the path of suicide. Those who are…aishanoor in # blurtcomics • 4 years ago • 1 min readMarvel Comics Amino App ReviewI love the amino apps! u get used to it rlly quickly and it's nice getting 2 know other marvel fans and discussing films and theories. The marvel amino is great. But there is alot of cons with…aishanoor in # blurtwomen • 4 years ago • 1 min readWomen Workout at Home - Female Fitness App ReviewI LOVE this app. I started using this app in the spring when all the gyms closed. It's helped me get pretty fit and I just love doing this. Once I finished the challenge, I started editing days…aishanoor in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 3 min readChips are harmful to healthWe know- "Buying a packet of chips means buying air with money". Inflating a packet of chips with gas is called Slack Filling. And nitrogen gas is given inside for two reasons- Do not break…aishanoor in # blurtography • 4 years ago • 1 min readPhotography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything. It is okay to…