aakom in # health • 4 years ago • 2 min readOne year old truth becomes news - the "virus" is a bioweaponWhy is Sky News Australia the only channel in the world able to broadcast the truth - with typical Ozzie humour too!? I mean, it's still owned by Murdoch, hence a globalist channel. It was…aakom in # blurtlife • 4 years ago • 4 min readThe Biggest Lie Ever and a Bid for IndependenceWe remain in the midst of the biggest lie in recorded history. There have been other big lies, but nothing so monstrously blatant and global. It follows on from one of the big lies of the 20th…aakom in # blurtreligions • 4 years ago • 1 min readA Warrior in a GardenThere is obviously both an external and internal dimension to this quote.Found on many martial arts sites, it remains anonymous.Truth can be a hard and ruthless enemy, but it's the lies that weaken…aakom in # blurtmusic • 4 years ago • 1 min readBlurtmusic for National Make a Friend Day - Tubeway ArmyI know there are days to fill, but who makes this stuff up? National Make a Friend Day - just don't breathe on me. It is perhaps hard to associate punk rock with technology, but…aakom in # blurtmusic • 4 years ago • 1 min readBlurtmusic for National Umbrella Day - EurythmicsA song for National Umbrella Day , 10 February 2020. Even if you're incarcerated by your abhuman government, it still rains inside. The "activities" listed here were obviously written…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 1 min readI Am A Plague DoctorAn interesting short video. Useful to read this too: Biological Warfare at the 1346 Siege of Caffa . Although medics may not have had a name for the vector of the disease, they did suspect…aakom in # blurtart • 4 years ago • 2 min readA Mask for Our Time - The Plague DoctorI thought this would have caught on months ago. It hasn't - it needs a push. A test that isn't a test, designed to create positives for a virus that has never been isolated from a human, triggers…aakom in # blurtlife • 4 years ago • 1 min readOnline Behaviour ScoringThe technocratic pathocracy keeps marching forward as the proles are driven to distraction by their addiction to their phones. IMF Calls For Internet Search History To Be Linked To Your Credit…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 5 min readMedicine, Corruption and Lies: for the sake of your healthYou take the drugs in good faith; that is your first mistake. Medicine should not be based on faith, but on science. But what happens when the whole scaffolding of the "scientific method" has been…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 3 min readHow Science Becomes Polluted With Corporate LiesWitness the corruption of the scientific process by wealthy vested-interest corporations. I wrote this some months ago but the ideas are even more relevant today. We are with Monsanto -…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 2 min readBrain SynchronizationCan technology support deeper human connection by directly synchronizing human brains? Research suggests that brains already sync up during social interaction. Can we amplify this? Is there a…aakom in # blurtech • 4 years ago • 2 min readSynthetic Telepathy ExperimentThis paper is from 2014, but I came across it from this recent article . What caught my eye was the gush about human "telepathy" - I used the word myself - but this is no such thing. The research…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 1 min readIngredients of Your GMO Super-Safe Liability-Free JabWhat COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca contains One dose (0.5 ml) contains: COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S* recombinant) 5 x 10 to the 10 viral particles *Recombinant, replication-deficient…aakom in # blurtlife • 4 years ago • 1 min readHidden Truth - Dystopian SciFi Film - Series 1Just released today. "Enjoy" is probably the wrong expectation. The only virus is psychopathy. The pathologising of normality and the normalisation of pathologies. Look around. No, not at…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 2 min readQuotient of Indoctrination RisesHow does stupidity turn into intelligence? Is it even possible? How many deaths are necessary for people to see the stark truth? Deaths immediately following the gene-"therapy" injections…aakom in # blurtlife • 4 years ago • 1 min readRage RecallBuild a bridge and blow it up. Stir a storm inside a cup. Drive a train towards a cliff. Beat an egg until it's stiff. All the rage swept out to sea, You can't recall what you can't…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 1 min readShattering cancer cells with resonant frequenciesThe work of Royal Rife lives on. Frequencies can heal and they can destroy, whether you perceive them or not. One amusing thing, I hadn't noticed before. NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 2 min readFear the Frequencies - They Are EverywhereThis is a letter to The Lancet, one of the foremost medical journals in the world. It is both a plea and a warning; genuine and honest research is desperately needed on the health effects of…aakom in # blurthealth • 4 years ago • 1 min readThe Muzzle MandateWithout a muzzle, you can't get your money . Without a muzzle, you can't buy food . Wearing two masks is doubleplusgood: one so you can't breathe, the other so you can't…aakom in # blurtlife • 4 years ago • 1 min readOne Day in the Life of Ivan DenisovichWhen the morning comes, it will be dark. It will be worse. It will be grey, both night and day. All the parks have been closed, with no way in and no way out; you cannot touch the ground you…