Commentsurch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: THE BACKWARD MOTION TO SUCCESSI couldn't agree any more. Sometimes pulling back is really important. One can be allowed to retreat for the meantime, it means him a better chance for a well planned attack. That's how most…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: UNAPOLOGETICYou're welcome 😊urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: WHAT IF I GAVE UPGood thing you didn't give into backing out. Sometimes all it takes is just a little longer and patience, but many people fail to exercise this patience.urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: BEFORE YOU MARRY YOUR VAL.Each point is very necessary for an effective and working relationship. Before rushing into marriage, which is a lifetime commitment and should not be taken lightly, we must consider certain things…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: My Once Dream JobThat's just life. As we grow and advance in our perspectives and preferences begin to change. So what we once fantasied and dream about gradually becomes of less interest to us as we begin to…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: What I Think About Long Distance RelationshipPeople that manage to push through with long distance relationships really deserve a trophies. I, for one, don't think that I can cope with it. I prefer to be in physical contact with the person I'm…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: Ad VitamThis days I've been caught up with seasonal movies more than collection. But reading this review makes me feel tempted to check this one out. Nicely reviewed.urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: MAN & WOMAN 1What an interesting story. I don't blame the man for making such statement about never wanting to do anything any other woman, heartbreak can make people say such things. Glad he later didn't allow…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: What is comingI love news like this. I can't wait! Crypto all the way!!!urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: ( ENG/ESP) The Role of Innovation in Business Growth: How to Stay Ahead in a Competitive MarketAn innovative mindset is an important quality that a serious business minded person should possess. Not even the largest sum of money can substitute for this qualityurch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: How Solar Energy Can Transform Remote CommunitiesSolar is the future, or should I say the present. It has served as a great advantage to business owners of different types. Though the price is expensive but after analysing the cost it'll save you…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: COPY QUALITYThere's no brand new idea, but what makes the difference or makes it stand out is the uniqueness. Which is makes it necessary for us to be mindful of things we plan to reproduceurch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: A Day in the Life of an Astronaut on the MoonI just can't help but imagine the beautiful world out there. What it would be like floating in space in the absence of gravity. Or maybe go on a tour by paying a visit to another planet. Just…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: Stay Clear!... Coins To Buy During Bitcoin CrashVery much helpful. I've been cracking my head about which coins to invest in recently. I believe this would help out a lot. Thanks for sharingurch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: HEALTH IS WEALTH, NOT A CLICHÉThere's no better way to say this. A pile of riches that cannot be enjoyed with good health is all in vain. That's why we all should be grateful for life and good health because with these two…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies for Action-TakersThis have prevented a lot of people from achieving that dream of theirs. It takes discipline to get up and do what needs to be done instead of putting it aside for another day because most times we…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: UNLEASHI really got hooked up to the first point about Being the Voice, Not the Echo: Many people are comfortable being the reflection of other people instead of themselves. You are the best person you…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: The GorgeGlad to come around a movie I've found worthy to be added to my watchlist. It sure seems like a full package considering the fact that it contains thriller, action, and sci-fi; all three genres that…urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: A WOMAN IS WEALTH.This is quite a striking revelation that only very few people are aware of. It is really important for ladies to be fully aware of their worth, both to humanity and spiritually as well. Well said.urch Newbie 50BPin Blurtconnect • last month • 1 min readRE: Life Beyond Earth: What Would Alien Ecosystems Look Like?I've always wondered what it is like out there. I can only imagine the view that the astronauts get to see when they get up there. I wonder if what foreign movies shows us about aliens are actually…
RE: My Once Dream Job
RE: What I Think About Long Distance Relationship
RE: Ad Vitam
RE: What is coming
RE: ( ENG/ESP) The Role of Innovation in Business Growth: How to Stay Ahead in a Competitive Market
RE: How Solar Energy Can Transform Remote Communities
RE: A Day in the Life of an Astronaut on the Moon
RE: Stay Clear!... Coins To Buy During Bitcoin Crash
RE: Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies for Action-Takers
RE: The Gorge
RE: Life Beyond Earth: What Would Alien Ecosystems Look Like?