sbdsteem in # digital • 3 years ago • 4 min readwhat is digital???source Information is very important for human life. In the past, humans got information by going to the library, reading a book, reading a newspaper, or witnessing an event firsthand. In this…sbdsteem in # digital • 3 years ago • 7 min readPlatform,,what is that means?source Platform is a term that is often found in the field of information technology. The platform defines the standards by which a system can be developed. Platform is an important part in…sbdsteem in # instablurt • 3 years ago • 4 min readWhat is Metaverse and how it workssource Metaverse is something that netizens have been talking about for some time. What is Metaverse? As reported, recently the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg changed the name of the…sbdsteem in # uang • 3 years ago • 1 min readMata uang terendahSource Tinggi rendahnya nilai tukar mata uang dipengaruhi banyak faktor. Itu sebabnya, semakin maju suatu negara, tidak menjamin nilai tukar uangnya semakin tinggi. Nilai tukar mata uang…sbdsteem in # matauang • 3 years ago • 5 min read10 mata uang tertinggi di duniaSource Mata Uang Tertinggi di Dunia 2021, Siapakah Itu? Meskipun Amerika Serikat tidak meraih predikat tersebut, namun mereka tepat menjadi salah satu mata uang terkuat, termahal, dan paling…sbdsteem in # blockchain • 3 years ago • 2 min readSistem open sea di hack,apakah benar??Source OpenSea, pasar NFT (non-fungible token) terbesar di dunia, telah terkena serangan phishing. Hal ini menyebabkan NFT senilai 1,7 dollar AS dicuri dari akun para pengguna. Dilansir India…sbdsteem in # crypto • 3 years ago • 1 min readApa itu cryptocurrencysource Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) telah mengeluarkan fatwa terkait uang kripto atau Cryptocurrency. MUI mengharamkan penggunaan aset kripto sebagai mata uang karena dinilai bersifat gharar…sbdsteem in # cryto • 3 years ago • 2 min readMean of cryptoSource When first entering the world of cryptocurrencies, not a few people are confused by the many assets in it, including the existence of coins and tokens. The difference between coins and…