BlogHide Reblurtspastormike in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readTHE GROSS DANGERS OF LEADERSHIP CORRUPTIONLeadership corruption refers to the abuse of power, authority or influence by those in leadership positions for personal gain or to serve their own interests at the expense of the well-being of…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readWHAT TRUE CONJUGAL LOVE ENTAILSSource Showing true love to one's spouse involves consistent acts of kindness, respect, and support. Listen actively, communicate openly, show appreciation, prioritize happiness, and be there for…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readWHAT A LOVELY TWINSTwins Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. They can be either identical, meaning they develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two, or fraternal, meaning they…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readSLOW AND STEADYThe story line Once upon a time, in a bustling forest, there lived a group of animals preparing for the annual Great Forest Race. Among them were the swift and confident hare, the determined…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readOVERLOADINGSource Overloading Vehicle overloading refers to the act of loading a vehicle beyond its designated capacity, such as exceeding the maximum weight or passenger limit specified by the…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 1 min readFRUITFULNESSFruitfulness Fruitfulness typically refers to productivity, effectiveness, or the state of yielding positive and valuable results or outcomes. It can apply to various aspects of life, such as…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readEVERYTHING DOUBLE DOUBLEHave you ever wondered why most body parts appeared in double form? Double eyes, double legs, nose has two holes, double hands, double ears, double kidneys, double testicles, double adrenal glands…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readDIGITAL NATIVES AND DIGITAL IMMIGRANTSMy highly intelligent and beautiful audience, Computer technology alludes to electronic innovation that utilizes discrete qualities, for the most part zero and one, to produce, store and cycle…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readFLEE FORNICATION 🏃🏼♀️Source My highly respected audience, fornication is a biblical language to mean sexual intercourse between people not married to each other. It is synonymous with extramarital sex, extramarital…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readGETTING BACK INTO ANOTHER PHASE OF BACHELORHOODSource My pleasant audience, I am deeply touched by this and feel like sharing it. The story in question is about a 80 year old retired man who later became abandoned and retired into another…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readTHREE PROFANE BEDS TO AVOID SLEEPING ONHi, astounding men, women and young fellows. I need to show you a some 'beds' that you should avoid sleeping on to avoid losing your best...pastormike in # r2cornell • last year • 2 min readTHE CHILDREN MADE MY DAY ~ BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS 🍾Hello everyone November 3rd is a memorable day in my life. It marks my birthday. 🎂 🥳 The children came up with surprises. We had travelled out of our town to meet some of our old time friends and…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readALL GIRLS TOAST BREAD WON 🕺Dear great and beloved audience, an advertising drama took place today at Greater Love Model College, where a practical workshop was run on...pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readTHE LAND OWNS EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE - YOU OWN NOTHING YOU LOSE NOTHINGGreetings Everyone. We are all dust, and unto the dust we shall all return. The land owns everything and will have everything. When we are...pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readHUMAN BRANDING AND IMPLICATIONGreetings Everyone. Simply put, branding is distinguishing a product and another one. It is the process of creating a unique identity for...pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readTHE REAL MEANING OF TRUE LOVEDear beautiful community, today I am bringing to you what true love is all about. Love is more than what many people term it to be today. True love is striping oneself of glory, honour and position…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readTHINGS WILL GET BETTERTough times do not last, only tough people will do. It takes strong determination to succeed in the face of the tense global economic situation. So many people have given up to fate, thinking that…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readWHEN LOVE IS PROVED EVEN IN DEATHMy beautiful people, amazing things happen in life. In my outing today, I witnessed the funeral of two late sages who were ardent lovers while on earth and at death also followed each other. Late…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 2 min readAMAZING POWER BEHIND AMAZING NATURESource Without mincing words, nature is amazing. The sight of many natural phenomenon is enough to proof the amazement of nature. My people use to say, 'behind every burning, there is a force'…pastormike in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readAWAKEN NOT LOVESource To awaken is to cause someone to rise up from sleep or inactivity and become sensitive to his environment. It is for such person to wake up and be active. It is for someone to become…