BlogHide Reblurtsoredebby in # r2cornell • 4 months ago • 4 min read10 THINGS TO DO TO MAINTAIN GOOD RELATIONSHIPSHello beautiful people... Never expect so much. If there are no expectations, disappointments can not happen. However, you must maintain a healthy level of standard to show that this is what you…oredebby in # r2cornell • 11 months ago • 2 min readSECRETS TO BECOMING CONTENTED 4Hello beautiful people. We have exposed to you what it means to be contented. Let's take a look at what the relevance of contentment is to our lives. It is not possible to stress enough how…oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 3 min readSECRETS TO BECOMING CONTENTED 2Hello beautiful people. Contentment is a feeling of quiet, internal peace and satisfaction. In other words, contentment means to be happy with what you have, who you are and where you are in life.…oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 4 min readSECRETS TO BECOMING CONTENTED 1Hello beautiful people. Life is a progressive project. In this life, there are two foundational, fundamental human desires that everyone wishes to posses. They want the key to happiness covers all…oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 3 min readSTEPPING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE: GOING THE EXTRA MILEHello beautiful people. It was Stan Dale who said, "Comfort zones are plush-lined coffins. When you stay in your plush-lined coffin, you die suddenly or slowly." Life is full of opportunities, and…oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 3 min readDON'T WASTE YOUR ANGELSHello beautiful people. People are angels in disguise, at every point in life, you are going to need people, either on your way out or on your way in and even on your way up, you, will need a lot of…oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 3 min readNOT FOR DECORATIONHello beautiful people. Listening attentively and selectively has become one of the most critical skills that is needed in this age because the floodgates of information have been opened and we are…oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readADD SPICE, LEAVE OR STAYHello beautiful people. No matter how long you stay in the world, you will be engaged in a romantic relationship at some point. Every...oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 3 min readMANAGING EXPECTATIONSHello beautiful people. In life, it is important to note that humans have a fatal flaw and that flaw is that they can disappoint you at any given time, without reason or any irrational thought.…oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 4 min readUNEQUAL GENDER EQUALITY 4Hello beautiful people. Taking care of a home is not like we watch and see magic happen, looking back at parts 1 to 3, we know clearly that a home requires a lot of sacrificed and work, effort and…oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 4 min readOPEN MARITAL SECRETSHello beautiful people. I know the headline sounds cheeky, that's just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more in store. Granted,...oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 4 min readPATIENCE, PUNCTUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITYHello beautiful people. There is an interconnectedness when you consider patience, punctuality and productivity. Let's take a look at each...oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 4 min read1000 YEARS OF LEARNINGHello beautiful people. A woman's body is a treasure site filled with rare earth elements, pictures don't do enough justice to it. Yes, they capture the essence as a still image but with every…oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 4 min readTHE WET LOVE LETTERHello, my love. How are you? This is an exciting letter I am writing with my blood. Today I felt inspired to write to you, it is possibly...oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 5 min readINSTRUCTIVE SOCIAL RULES 2Hello beautiful people. We covered some pretty necessary rules in the first part,in this second edition, we will look at some of the critical rules that affect people as well, let's go. - Treat…oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 4 min readINSTRUCTIVE SOCIAL RULES 1Hello beautiful people. Almost everyone has connections that transcends time and space nwo, you can be having or carrying on a conversation...oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readUSE YOUR MIND'S SWITCHHello beautiful people. Let's paint a scenario. When you listen to the stereo in a car and when you don't get the right information or...oredebby in # r2cornell • last year • 3 min readKINDNESS TO THE POORHello beautiful people. The first thing to note is that there are people who are poor by birth and by circumstances. Sometimes it's just by their actions and some it's by their understanding of the…oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 3 min readSET YOUR PRINCIPLES RIGHTHello beautiful people. Hypocritical people exist in our world today and wherever you go, you will find that they are people who are with...oredebby in # instablurt • last year • 5 min readTHE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFEHello beautiful people. Life is generally designed to be lived with other people, you can't just exist on your own in one space, isolated...