maxinpower in # japan • 3 hours ago • 6 min readWhere is the beach gone? =/= Wo ist der Strand hin? 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERThe winter weather seems to be over now, although you can't be completely sure about that these days either. In the end, it wasn't so bad here in our city, as I've seen completely different…maxinpower in # japan • yesterday • 5 min readDid someone say wasabi? 👹🍣🎎 Wondeful JapanTraveling is not only fun, it also teaches us quite a few things. At least if you are keen and open to learning something new. Often this process doesn't require any effort at all and you learn so…maxinpower in # japan • 2 days ago • 3 min readFeeling cold too? =/= Friert ihr auch? 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERIt's probably not just us humans who have often been a little too cold in recent weeks. I'm sure there are also some members of the world of animals who would rather deal with warmer temperatures…maxinpower in # japan • 3 days ago • 3 min readThe last snow? 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful JapanJust in time for the start of the week, it all started again. Actually, I was already saying goodbye to the cold season, but after an extremely mild weekend with temperatures in the double digits…maxinpower in # japan • 4 days ago • 4 min readPlans are made =/= Die Pläne sind gemacht 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERFortunately, some things do seem to repeat themselves, or at least they seem to appear that way. People consciously or unconsciously tend towards looking for that pleasantly warm and cozy feeling of…maxinpower in # japan • 5 days ago • 8 min readLand Of Castles =/= Von Burg zu Burg 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERToday I want to show you another part of Japanese culture and history, the beautiful world of Japanese castles. Similar to European castles they were build mostly for defense purposes and have seen…maxinpower in # japan • 6 days ago • 3 min readWar es das jetzt? 👹🍣🎎 Mein JapanPünktlich zum Wochenanfang ging es noch mal los. Eigentlich hatte ich innerlich doch schon abgeschlossen mit der kalten Jahreszeit, aber nach einem äußerst milden Wochenende mit Temperaturen im…maxinpower in # japan • 7 days ago • 3 min readHello cat =/= Hallo Katze 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERIn recent years, it has often not been so clear, but winter also means snow. And usually quite a lot of snow, as you are reminded time and again, especially in our region. Although this winter was…maxinpower in # japan • 8 days ago • 4 min readHina-Matsuri ひな祭り Time to celebrate =/= Zeit zum Feiern 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GEROh yeah, it's that day again. Just like a year ago, it's the third of March. Today is a day of celebration, not only in my home country, where the telephone wires will be glowing again to celebrate…maxinpower in # japan • 9 days ago • 6 min readTsuruga-jo - It never gets boring =/= Es wird nie langweilig - Aizu Impressions 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERSome places have already made it into my photos several times. However, this is not because there are no other motifs available here in Japan, but for the simple reason that these places deserve to…maxinpower in # japan • 10 days ago • 4 min readShopping the charming way 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful JapanToday we are stopping off again in Ochijuku, this former post station from the Edo period. Ochijuku is located on the former Aizu-Nishi Kaido trade route, which connected Aizu with Nikko in the Edo…maxinpower in # japan • 11 days ago • 3 min readTschüss Februar 👹🍣🎎 Mein JapanUnd wieder geht ein Monat zu Ende. Und auch diesmal habe ich das Gefühl, als wäre alles viel zu schnell gegangen. Ich weiß, dass ich mich diesbezüglich wohl wiederhole, denn dieses Gefühl habe ich…maxinpower in # japan • 12 days ago • 3 min readAnd here goes the second month 👹🍣🎎 Mein JapanAnd another month comes to an end. And once again, I feel like everything has gone far too quickly. I know I'm probably repeating myself in this respect, as I apparently have this feeling all year…maxinpower in # japan • 13 days ago • 6 min readWinter am Ogata-inari Shrine 小潟稲荷神社👹🍣🎎 Mein JapanDie Jahreszeiten kommen und gehen, und manchmal hat man das Gefühl, dass sie uns keine Pause gönnen wollen. Alles passiert viel zu schnell, und die Dinge um uns herum ändern sich in Windeseile. Oft…maxinpower in # japan • 14 days ago • 5 min readThe castle in the snow =/= Die Burg im Schnee 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERThe onset of winter in the first week of the month took us all by surprise, as I wasn't the only one who thought that we should get ready for spring a little earlier this year. But in the end…maxinpower in # japan • 15 days ago • 5 min readIt is all about those rolls 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful JapanOnce things that astonishes me here in Japan time and again is how well that country and its people are able to adopt things from other countries and cultures. Long time ago its started which…maxinpower in # japan • 16 days ago • 5 min readWinter can be quite charming =/= Winter kann bezaubern 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERTimes change quickly. Around two weeks ago, winter made a great comeback and really surprised us once again. The temperatures plummeted and around us everything turned completely white. Now, not so…maxinpower in # japan • 17 days ago • 3 min readTime to get out the lemons again 👹🍣🎎 My Japansource Well, I was probably just doing too well. Although, if I think about it, that hasn't been the case at all. But at least as far as the usual infections are concerned, recently I have been…maxinpower in # japan • 18 days ago • 4 min readWinter can be fun =/= Winter macht auch Spaß 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERWinter usually promises cold temperatures and lots of snow, even if this has not always been the case in recent years. Here in Japan, too, the climate seems to be changing and it is getting hotter…maxinpower in # japan • 19 days ago • 5 min readA little fall magic to keep us in a good mood =/= Ein wenig Herbstzauber für die gute Laune - Aizu Impressions 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERAutumn has been gone for quite a while now and a completely different season has taken over our region. It's now rather cold and wet outside and every now and then we're treated to a big white…