BlogHide Reblurtsarifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • 7 months ago • 2 min readগরু ছাগল পালনের উপকারিতা।গরু ও ছাগল পালনের মাধ্যমে কৃষকরা বিভিন্ন ধরনের উপকারিতা লাভ করতে পারেন, যা তাদের জীবনযাত্রার মান উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করে। প্রথমত, গরু ও ছাগল মাংস ও দুধের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উৎস হিসেবে পরিচিত। গরুর দুধ…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • 10 months ago • 1 min readআমার বাড়ির পাশের সুন্দর পরিবেশ দৃশ্য।আসসালামু আলাইকুম বন্ধুগণ। সবাই কেমন আছেন আশা করি সবাই ভাল আছেন। আল্লাহর রহমতে আমিও ভাল আছি। বন্ধুগণ প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশ দেখতে আমার খুবই ভালো লাগে। তাই আমি মাঝেমধ্যে বিভিন্ন প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • 11 months ago • 1 min readদেশি মুরগির মাংস কাটিং।হ্যালো বন্ধুরা সকলে কেমন আছেন আশা করি সকলে ভালো আছেন আমিও ভাল আছি। বন্ধুরা মুরগির মাংস হচ্ছে আমার অনেক প্রিয় খেতে আমি খুব ভালোবাসি। মুরগির মাংস অনেক প্রকারের হয়ে থাকে দেশি মুরগি পাকিস্তানি মুরগি…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • last year • 1 min readরমজান মাসের সুন্নত।রমজান মাসের সবসময় পরিস্কার পরিছন্ন থাকতে হয় তাই আজ আমি একটি দাতন নিয়েছি। যা ছুন্নত। রমজান মাসের সুন্নত। ধ্যনবাদ আমার ব্লগে আসার জন্য।arifaakter1 in # blurtpower • last year • 1 min readEat grapes and stay healthyHI Everyone How ar you all.. Grapes are a very delicious fruit. It's hard to find anyone who doesn't love this juicy fruit on toast. In fruit shops, you will see bunches of green and black…arifaakter1 in # blurtpower • last year • 2 min readFavorite game is cricket.Patriotism is a delusional thing. According to him, better movies are made abroad than in Bangladesh. That's why we watch Hollywood-Bollywood movies instead of Bengali movies. Then none of us say…arifaakter1 in # r2cornell • last year • 3 min readMela village is the bearer of the culture and tradition of Bengal.Village Mela is one of the cultural traditions of rural Bengal. The fair brings a wave of joy in the gray, dreary and monotonous village life of the people. Once there was an abundance of grain…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • last year • 1 min readTesty Bread.Reduces the risk of other diseases: Eating bread can control blood pressure, the risk of serious diseases like heart attack, stroke is also reduced. Increases Digestion: Bread contains thax fiber…arifaakter1 in # r2cornell • last year • 2 min readCauliflower chops And Sweet Pumpkin Flower Chop.Materials A medium sized cauliflower Rice powder or gram flour or cornflour 5 to 6 tbsp Chilli powder 1 teaspoon, turmeric powder 1 teaspoon Coriander powder 1 teaspoon About the same amount as…reblurtedecosynthesizer in # blurt • last year • 1 min readECS Curation Report | December 31, 2023, 02:27:35Welcome to the daily report of the Ecosynthesizer project. You will find below a compilation of posts picked by our dedicated community curators. Do not hesitate to check a few of them, you might…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • last year • 3 min readYou know the advanced method of pepper cultivation.Hello Everyone. Good morning. Chilli is a popular spice crop in our country. Chillies are used to flavor curries. Besides, it is used in various dishes as a sauce. Its market price is also good.…arifaakter1 in # r2cornell • last year • 2 min readSteamed pita.Wellcome to my blog. The ingredients For cooking chicken mincer 2 cups minced chicken 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder 1 teaspoon chili…arifaakter1 in # r2cornell • last year • 1 min readPotato Chops.The ingredients 2 potatoes 1 carrot ½ cup papaya slices Half a cup of sim Chop 5 onions Turmeric is moderate 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 tsp coriander powder 1/2 teaspoon ginger garlic…arifaakter1 in # r2cornell • last year • 2 min readPurple and Chop.How are you all Everyone is fine here. Today I will show you Bagun Chop Spell. The ingredients.. 250 grams gram flour 1/2 eggplant 2 potatoes 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon…arifaakter1 in # r2cornell • last year • 4 min readAll the dishes of the rich Mathbaria tradition.Mathbaria has become well known as a city of dirty politics, a city of broken streets, a city of murder and destruction. However, dear Mathbaria is the city of my life. There are many traditions…arifaakter1 in # brun • last year • 2 min readI made bread Cake today.Hello friends how are you all. Hope everyone is well. I'm fine too. Friends this is my first post on Dtube. I am a housewife. My name is Arifa Akhter. SOURCE Today I made delicious roti…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • last year • 2 min readThe nutritional value of jackfruitJuicy fruit jackfruit contains beta carotene, sufficient amount of vitamins A, C, B-1, B-2, calcium, potassium, magnesium and various nutrients and minerals. All these nutrients play an important…arifaakter1 in # r2cornell • last year • 2 min readI usually have potato chops and begum chops.Bengali's favorite potato chop! Delicious and healthy chops from the store, will make your afternoon! Eka ki doka, the mind is for your unchan ei pet pooja. And in such monsoon wet weather…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • last year • 2 min readBD JACKFRUIT.Jackfruit is one of our Bengali favorite fruits. It is a delicious juicy fruit. This juicy fruit refreshes us even in the heat of summer. This fruit has many nutritional and health benefits. Let's…arifaakter1 in # blurtconnect • last year • 2 min readEating banana every day will remove 5 problemsHI All.... Your Friend arifa is back with anather blog. Friend all of you know.. Bananas are a powerhouse of energy. It is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Eating bananas gives the body…